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Holistic Healing


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Therapies To Suite An Individual & Let You Heal NATURALLY: The Story

In the world many generations of scholars, writer, scientists, philosophers and inventors have come and gone with millions of thoughts beliefs and sciences, each being correct in their own way but till did not stop future philosophies and inventions from being created. As generations passed one theory or invention surpassed the first, not to say this was a failure, but rather that the latter was instigated by the former findings.

In the same way in the traditional holistic science field much research has been done and many discoveries have been made of natural medicine which brought about Greek medicine, Ayutveda, unani, faith healing homeopathic medicine and Chinese medicine. Every theory of medicine be it homeopathic or allopathic has its own logical explanation, some can claim and also prove to be superior to others, but that does not mean the other is inferior, however still failing to find answers which go beyond the human mind.


This now brings us to the reason of Dr Bilal’s theories and therapies designed using Islamic practice with holistic therapy and showing its connection to each other via the 5 elements and 14 meridians of the human body relating to the construction and destruction in the cycle of the human body, thereby making it the greatest and most logical theory of them all.

Mainly using the body’s natural elements to stimulate the body so that illnesses may eradicate themselves without having to introduce the use of foreign objects to the body, the human body has been created such that it has sufficient natural defences to bring itself back to normal balance.

We have used the above to design and combine holistic therapies to suite and individual and let you heal NATURALLY.


Face & Eyes

Our faces are designed such that they change with our bodies, whatever we encounter inside surfaces itself on our faces.

Holistic Healing

In the world many generations of scholars, writer, scientists, philosophers and inventors have come and gone with...


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5 Elements Of Change & Transformation

This denotes the cycle of the body, each element works in harmony with the other. Too much or too little of them will cause an interruption in the body cycle. The times in this circle are to show the main “working” times of the elements, healing or treating the specific organs related to the elements work best in the times attached to them


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The site cannot and does not contain health advice. The health information is provided for genreal informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional health advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate medical and healthcare professionals. We do not provide any kind of health advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate medical and healthcare professionals. We do not provide any kind of health advice. The use of any information contained on this site [or our mobile application] is solely at your own risk.

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